+973 17 456 111



ABB’s analog signal converters of the CC-U range amplify, convert, isolate and measure any type of analog signals to ensure safe and reliable plant processes. The universal range (CC-U) features easy configuration via DIP switches and a precise adjustment via front face potentiometers. Beside the well known ABB quality this range offers a world class accuracy decreasing your process fluctuations to a minimum.

Main benefits

  • Safe operation by 3-way galvanic isolation
  • World class accuracy
  • TRMS values of currents and voltages makes the device independent of the signal form

Main features

  • Standard signals
  • Signals of RTD sensors (PT10, PT100, PT1000)
  • Thermocouple signals
  • TRMS values of currents and voltages
  • 3-way galvanic isolation
  • Plug-in connecting terminals

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SKU: AMR-000119 Category: